Industrial engineering application in commitment to renewable energy

MEILAV installed a vertical axis wind turbine of 300W in their facilities of Canovellas (Barcelona) this month. It is a windmill designed and produced by MEILAV for the DOBGIR Company in order to make performance tests in real conditions.

Vertical axis wind turbines or VAWT have a main technical difference in comparison with horizontal axis wind turbines or HAWT. This difference consists on the fact that the rotation of the wings of a VAWT is around a vertical axis and orientation according to wind direction is not needed. Therefore, this advantage makes them more appropriated for places with variable and turbulent winds.

The different technologies involved in the manufacturing process of this windmill are 100% made in Europe. This assures high quality and reliability of the product, which is especially important for those critical components such as wings an electrical generator.

This windmill is connected to an electronic equipment with MPPT regulation hat extracts the power generated by means of a specific mathematic algorism that search and extracts the maximum power of the windmill at every fraction of second. The energy produced by this windmill is injected to the grid circuit of MEILAV electrical facility, reducing the total amount of power consumption of the company. The electronic equipment has been also developed specifically for this application and it is a 100% European technology.

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