Industrial engineering: How it helps improve profitability

Can process/product industrial engineering improve your company's profitability? We have to say YES. To understand it better this relationship, we are going to define the concepts of industrial engineering and profitability.

What does industrial engineering do?

Industrial engineering is the discipline responsible for the design, implementation, and imrovement of systems integrated by various resources such as materials, finances, technology, and human resources.

It develops new ideas (products/processes) and provides solutions to needs or problems that arise in companies, thereby improving the quality of the product/process and its productivity.

It is the only branch of engineering specifically trained for this function.

How industrial engineering improves a company’s profitability?

Profitability is the relationship between the investment/effort (economic, human, etc.) made to develop a particular idea/product/process, and the benefits provided by the actions taken with that investment.

For an investment in product/process development to be profitable for a company, it needs industrial engineering. This discipline specializes in analyzing and interpreting that idea or need, and developing the optimal industrial project (inventing, designing, manufacturing, programming, etc.) to generate maximum benefit with minimal effort (money, time or other resources).

Focusing on the profitability of companies, i.e. the benefits versus the effort/investment that can be obtained thanks to industrial engineering, we can highlight some obvious examples:

In the production area, we can achieve these objectives:

  • Reduce the production and/or processing time.

  • Increase product quality.

  • Improve plant capacity.

  • Optimize production organization and enhance the utilization of the production plant.

In the commercial area, the industrial engineering addresses the following improvements:

  • Rapid response to the technical, technological, or design needs of our customers.

  • Reduced delivery times to our customers, related to improvement production.

In the design area, we will obtain the following benefits:

  • Increased design quality with significant optimization of the time invested in conceptualization and design.

And in the human resources area, we will have:

  • Increased operator productivity and reduced labor costs.

In summary, product/process industrial engineering provides solutions to problems or needs posed by companies, improving existing processes and products or creating them from scratch.The ultimate goal is for companies to be more competitive, more innovative, and to achieve a high degree of quality and responsiveness with minimal effort/investment. This ensures the best return on their business investments.

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